"Don't Erase Me" Campaign
School Project
This project was selected as the Grand Prize winner in the 2022 MU Undergraduate Visual Art and Design Showcase. View the showcase website here
Project Objective:
Under the prompt "Design for Change," choose a cause and design a series of materials based on it. This project is highly open-ended and conceptual. 
About the Project:
This campaign includes a series of posters, flyers, and digital ads that speak to animal endangerment and conservation. "Don't Erase Me" was developed from the idea of chalkboards being associated with education. The project aims to display a simple, yet effective message that animals will soon be "erased" without the intervention of humans. My goal was to create something that would leave a lasting impression on viewers and inspire them to become more educated on the topic. 
Animal conservation is a main priority for accredited zoos and aquariums, so in developing this campaign I connected with my hometown zoo. After working closely with directors at Peoria Zoo, I was permitted to use their logo with the potential of them adopting it as part of their conservation efforts. I was provided with photos of animals from Peoria Zoo, which I then drew with chalk and photographed for my campaign.
Artist Video for Visual Art and Design Showcase
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